
Learn how to to safely use port services.


Port security is strictly maintained.

Gangway / Deck Watchmen
Watches are to be maintained by the ship’s crew.Ship’s gangway safety net required.
Coast Guard carries out Search and Rescue Operation. Fire Services are carried by National Fire Brigade.
IMO Rules are followed. Please refer MARPOL 73/78 if any incident occurs please contact 3325981, VHF CH 16 Coast Guard. 3329339, VHF CH 10 Maldives Ports Limited
Hotline: 119
Inmarsat: 445526673
Ambulance: Tel: 102
Fire: Tel: 118
GMDSS Response Center
Coast Guard on VHF Ch: 16 (24hours) +960-339-5981 / +960- 339-8898, & 191 , Fax: +960-339-1665
Ship survey is carried out by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation only


Vessels requiring discharging slop from tank cleaning and dirty oil bilge should request the local agent to provide reception facilities. Ports Authority does not undertake to provide any such facilities.

Government regulation of Pollution
Notice is hereby given that it is expressly forbidden for any vessel to dump or discharge into any Harbour, lagoon, or into any part of the waters of the Republic of Maldives refuse, bunker oil, sewage, noxious substances or any material or substances whatsoever.

The Master of any vessel and or its agents will be held directly responsible for any nature or degree of pollution of the water, lagoons, and islands of the Republic of Maldives through the dumping or discharge of any refuse and or substance.

In the event of any nature or degree of pollution of Territorial Waters of the Republic of Maldives due to the dumping or discharge of refuse and or substance, the master and or the Agent of the offending vessel shall be subject to an immediate fine deemed by the Authority concerned according to Maldivian Law


Medical Facilities are available, including hospitalization, medical examination, and surgery.

Medical facilities available in Male’ Island
  • Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
  • ADK Hospital
  • A number of Clinics are also available in the capitol
Port Health
  • Port Health Clearance by radio no applicable
  • Port Health by fax, mail 24 hours prior to entry where applicable through the local Agents
  • Any sick person or dead body on board should be notified to Port Health 24 hrs prior to entry where applicable
  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required only if the vessel has called at Yellow fever area during the last 30 days.
  • Permission needs to be obtained to bring animals including pets with valid health certificates
  • Vessels entering Maldivian ports must display international quarantine signal until all Health formalities are completed by the Port Health.


  • NE monsoon (Dec-mid April): Generally fine weather with surface winds of NE’ly with speed of 9kn. Seas are generally slight.
  • Pre-monsoon (Apr): Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) over the Maldives causes showers in the country and surface winds from WNW at 7kn. Seas remain slight.
  • SW monsoon (May-Nov): Rain occurs over the country during an active monsoon period. Surface winds vary between SW and NW with an average speed of 11-15kn. In May-Oct gusts of 35-45kn may occur. Seas are generally moderate but can be rough at times.
  • Local weather report can be obtained by the Tel: (+960) 3317171.
Tidal range in Male’ and nearby islands
  • Mean spring range about 0.7 m
  • Mean neap range about 0.3 m
  • In Gaadhoo Koa the streams from Vaadhoo Kandu sets across the passage. During the NE monsoon a component of the current sets NW through this passage setting a vessel towards the reef fringing the E side of Male, the flow turns W between Male and Funadhoo. Strong currents have been reported during the NE monsoon within this passage.
  • During the SW monsoon a component of the current enters N Male lagoon through Giraavaru Irumathee Kandu 6 miles W of Male, flowing out principally through the channel E of Viligili and between Male and Funadhoo into Waadhoo Kandu
  • Current in Gaadhoo Koa streams from Vaadhoo kandu sets across this opening and during the NE monsoon a component of the current sets NW through the entrance channel which directs the vessel towards the reef, fringing the east side of Male’ island. Within the entrance, the flow turns west between Male’ and Funadhoo island. Strong currents have been reported during the NE Monsoon within Male’ Harbour area.