Company Profile

MPL is the sole authority on port related businesses in the country which manages all the regional ports.


Your World-Class Port In the Indian Ocean, bridging the East and West


Providing safe, efficient and reliable port services through innovation, sustainable best practices and stakeholder engagement.

Culture and Values

Professionalism in everything we do

Our work ethics determine the quality of our work, and the mutual respect we foster among us. MPL staffs take pride in the work they do. From the smallest, menial task, to multidisciplinary, inter-departmental work, and work carried out with external agencies, we do what we do with care, commitment and a duty of urgency.

We become better everyday

We are driven by our constant need to analyze our performance, monitor it, and improve it in every aspect possible. We measure how we do things, how much resources we consume and its output to understand what can be improved. We don’t settle for good, better or best; because there is always room for improvement, and every day is another opportunity to ask ourselves, how we will become better today.

Your safety, our priority

We work in an environment safe for our peers, our Clients and the general public. Nothings more important to us than the safety and well-being of our staffs, and the security of the cargo we handle. If you feel that you are not safe, we shall not ask you to compromise your mental and physical wellbeing.

You can count on us

We know that you depend on our Port. The wellbeing of our island communities, food security, and the stability of markets and industries depend on us getting our job done. We can go home after a busy day at work, knowing that we have done our part to keep our communities, safe, resilient and prosperous through our role of handling the critical cargo, reliably and safely, on time.

United, we are Stronger

We unite in our commitment to our duties to our Clients, community, and the people of the Maldives. We will answer every call together, as a family, to carry each other through thick and thin. We respect each individual differences; but we know that collectively, we can overcome every obstacle and challenge that may come our way.

Go Green!

We have a moral duty to ensure that we preserve this earth for the generations to come. We do this consciously, by driving to adapt operational policies, such as mandating the usage of low-sculpture fuels, to using shore-side power, and adapting infrastructures that allow operation of lean enterprises.

  • Being a profitable business enterprise, providing safe, efficient port services to port users.
  • Formulating corporate governance policies, procedures and codes to assist the Board in the exercise of its duties and responsibilities and to serve the best of Maldives Ports Limited and its stakeholders.
  • Establishing a reputation for quality by maintaining the highest possible technical, operating and service standards.
  • Responding to the needs of customers by continual assessment and development of the ports of the Maldives.
  • Maintaining a friendly environment, recognizing port users as the basis for the existence of the ports.
  • Achieving a satisfactory return on shareholders funds and maintaining a sound policy of adequate retention of earnings for future growth.
  • Establishing economically viable port related services.
  • Harmonizing the development and operations in ports and port land areas with protection of the environment
  • Ensuring that all operations in ports and all port land areas are conducted safely
  • Operating commercially as a financially self-sufficient and autonomous body
  • Ensuring that all income collected and expenditure incurred by MPL are properly accounted for
  • Developing a skilled and an efficient work force able to achieve the objectives of the Company
  • Providing advice and assistance to the government in the formulation of a National Ports Policy and in planning and administrative matters and otherwise in relation to any matter concerning ports or port land areas