Company Profile

MPL is the sole authority on port related businesses in the country which manages all the regional ports.

Company Profile

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) was instituted by Presidential decree with the mandate to develop, manage and operate the ports of Maldives. Under this decree, Male’ Commercial Harbor was relocated on 15th September 1986 from the area now known as ‘Jumhooree Maidhaan’ to its current location. The first ever cargo vessel to arrive to Male Commercial Harbor was M.V Ruthuris, which debarked with 38 containers on 10th January 1989.

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) was incorporated on 31st July 2008 as a 100% government owned company under the Companies Act of Maldives. MPL’s key function is to ensure the efficient management and operation of government owned ports and port facilities in the Maldives. As a commercial service provider, our focal business approach is to fast-track our services without compromising time and quality. The challenge lies in keeping pace with a dynamic and evolving business environment, and identifying opportunities that strengthen the economy and cultivates sustainable commercial development.

MPL is governed under the leadership and guidance of the Board of Directors appointed by the President’s office.  As a commercial corporate entity, the management follows the service port concept. MPL inherited the daunting task to continue planning and monitor the changing needs of port users, and the shipping and business community.. Constantly analyzing changes to core industries such as fishing and tourism allows us to anticipate and assess possible opportunities to diversify our trade and bring best value to our clientele.